We get you
We're amateurs. We're horse crazy, giggling girls and boys. We're barn rats. We're late night colic monitors and early morning hackers. We crush it in our day jobs to be horse poor but steadfast in chasing our dreams. We live the ups and downs of championships, falls, unexplained lameness, breakthroughs, and the support of the barn family in between.
We get you - and that is what inspires us to create products that improve your ride and hopefully, make you smile. Cheers.
Founded and run by an adult amateur, ActivEquine was born of the desire to find unique goods for equestrians. Things we actually want. Things that we relate to. Thoughtful gifts for our friends to celebrate wins and to pick them up when things don't go right. Things that improve our horsey-life. Things that make us laugh and importantly, bring us together.
Drop me a line on the contact page! Lament about your last no-stirrups lesson, or brag on your horse winning his division last week. I love supporting other equine businesses, and I love hearing from you!
Happy horse, happy life :)